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Sharon Wells

Sharon and her husband, Pat, own Aquatic Greens Farm in Bryan, Texas.  She is a Christian, daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt, grandma, friend, and Aggie. 


She has been a student, athlete, coach, secretary, leader, mentor, teacher, tutor, and farmer.  She grew up in a military family, living in several states and three foreign countries before marrying and settling in Texas.  After graduating from Texas A&M, she taught elementary and special needs students for several years before settling down to raise their daughters.  During this time, Sharon started and ran a homeschool co-op and they spent several years as houseparents at a children's ranch.  


After their daughters graduated, Sharon returned to public education and quickly recognized that the incidence of autism, ADD and ADHD disorders in young students had increased exponentially.  That realization, coupled with a surgery, convicted her to start looking into pharmaceutical medications, environmental toxins, supplements, essential oils, plants, herbs, nutrition, food, and farming.


With a newfound conviction to eat healthier and share what she had learned with others, Sharon and Pat started their aquaponic systems (farm) in 2013.  The farm has gone through several changes over the years.... 

Aquatic Greens Farm (AG Farm) - a family built and run farm with an emphasis on wholesale production;  

BCS Bountiful Baskets - working with Bridget’s Basket (an in-ground farmer who created a flexible CSA with a delivery service);  

Earth Galley Farms - partnering with younger Aggies to grow the CSA and start an online store;  

Aquatic Greens Farm (again) - emphasis on working with adults with disabilities (teaching/training farm skills)

GrowOn at AGFarm - training/learning/growing to provide meaningful work for adults with disabilities....

    "Out'side - plants, produce, health & home products, crafts, life skills

     'In'side  - encouraging meaningful communication & relationships by teaching/modeling healthy character

                      traits, leadership skills & community building with fellow workers, work leaders & customers.


Through all of the changes/struggles at the farm, the one constant has been the unwavering desire and commitment from several (previous) students to volunteer /work at the farm.  With a newfound emphasis & vision on teaching/training adults with disabilities to work at the farm and in the commercial kitchens, Sharon is excited to see what the future holds for GrowOn at AGFarm.


As a lifelong student, and a novice farmer, Sharon continues to learn about plants, herbs, fish, bacteria, nutrients, pests, organics, greenhouse growing, irrigation, composting, as well as marketing, social networking, website building, licensing, accounting, and working with adults whose disabilities prevent them from being otherwise employed.  Her desire is for the community to see what she has seen in all the workers who spend time at the farm...and to share their produce/products and knowledge with residents in Bryan/College Station and the surrounding communities.


979-436-1987  (Sharon Wells)

2861 FM 974 (Tabor Road)

Bryan, TX  77808

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Web Manager-Loretta Bender

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